Urvashi Rautela has been on a promotion spree for Great Grand Masti lately. At a cover photo shoot recently she was all excited about her upcoming movie and she had a great time shooting the film with the three heroes Reitesh Deshmukh, Vivek Oberoi and Aftab Shivdasani. Unlike other Masti franchise films, the latest edition has only one heroine in Urvashi being pushed by the trio.
The next instalment of the adult comedy Masti is out. The Great Grand Masti team launched the first look and the trailer of the film, which the maker claimed to be greater and grander. Directed by Indra Kumar, the film stars Urvashi Rautela in the lead with the three regular heroes Reitesh Deshmukh, Vivek Oberoi and Aftab Shivdasani. The film also stars Mishti, Sonal Chauhan, Pooja Chopra. At the launch the Masti trio and the director were seen having fun with the Urvashi.