When we were kids, we had hobbies. Hobbies continued to play a part in our lives well into our youth. Then responsibilities, jobs, work pressure, deadlines, deliverables, and targets, took over and our own personal interests took a back seat or rather were thrown off the back seat…if I may say so…they were flung out of the window.
Isn’t there more to you than your job and your designation? The hobbies that you follow are your passion and it is your passion that keeps you young and energised.My boss, an intrepid entrepreneur, has a passion for skiing. While he is extremely focused and hungry to drive the company on growth path; he makes it a point to take out time to pursue the sport. Agreed, not everybody has an appetite for such offbeat passions. It could be a basic art form like dancing, painting, learning to sing or play a musical instrument or a sport like golf or badminton or it could be cooking or gardening or travelling. Whatever it is, it adds value to your life and makes you a happier person and thus a better person.
Also Read: Choosing that Cup of Tea over the big promotion
Find a hobby or passion to pursue. It could be something that you go back to – a talent that that you have had in you since your childhood or you could challenge yourself and learn something completely new. Learning a new skill gives you a sense of accomplishment. My ex-boss, a celebrated entrepreneur who is frequently invited to speak at several industry events, once shared his mantra – Challenge yourself with something new every year; so one year he resolved to write a book and he did. The next year he learnt to play the piano and he grasped it so well that he was the star performer at the annual office party.
Who is responsible for your ‘well’?
Think of your life and the resources available as a well full of water. For every duty we discharge and every job we perform, we draw out water and take away from this well. As time goes by, the monotony and routine of daily life gradually dips the water level which roughly translates to a dip in our energy and levels of enthusiasm.
Over the years, if left untended, this well dries up. We find ourselves frustrated, unhappy, and caught in the sands of time. This well needs to be refilled and whose responsibility is that? We need to take a call and decide to do this for ourselves. When we pursue our passion, the fact that we are doing something for self-actualization, actually supplements this well. This is the recharge which gives us that extra edge or drive for achievement in other spheres of life. Not to forget the fun quotient it adds.
A hobby/passion means so many things:
Doesn’t that tyre around the waist just take the fun out of wearing those super glam clothes you buy? “Everything else seems in shape and place, the legs are long and sculpted, the arms are lean, the upper body is well-formed…if only someone would take away this layer of fat around my waist.” This is a common complaint I hear all the time. So many people talk of wanting to burn their belly fat.
Belly fat not only brings the effect of that fabulous dress a couple of notches down but is also detrimental to your health. The fat around the abdominal cavity surrounds a number of important internal organs – liver, pancreas and intestines and too much of fat can lead to diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
You can make belly fat can Go Away. The only thing is that there is no shortcut to it. Remember that when you exercise you don’t lose fat from just one part of the body. The body loses fat all over. It’s a tried and tested thing.
1. Adopt Action
It’s simple Maths. For net loss, the body needs to burn more calories than what it takes in. Move. Be active. Leave your slothful ways. Look at little children around you for inspiration. They are like little bundles of energy who don’t sit still even for a second. They just don’t know how to. My little nephew is a case in point. When he is talking, he keeps moving from the sofa to the bed, on to the chair and then back again to the sofa. And when he is not talking, he is walking up and down the stairs of his duplex house and jumping about. The only time he sits still is when he is watching TV.
The idea is to realise how we have limited our activity level as we have grown up into adults. We were all restless and more active when we were younger. Get the zip back in your life and burn away those calories. Ditch the escalator. Use the Stairs. Do the housework. Walk to the neighbourhood market. Get up and walk to the colleague’s desk if you want to discuss something rather than reaching out on the phone. If possible, add some form of aerobic exercise to your routine. Dancing. Jogging. Running. Zumba. Aerobics. Swimming. There are many options to choose from – all will help you maintain your body machine keep fit and in shape.
2. Core is the key
Along with this, you definitely need to work and strengthen those core muscles, the muscles that wrap around your tummy like a cover. Regular practice of planks, crunches and lunges will be your targeted tool to nix belly fat. Just remember every time you start exercising, the first thing is to activate the core muscles, so that the pressure doesn’t to the back muscles. Start small (you can begin with even two-five minutes every day on an empty stomach) and increase gradually.
3. Try Yoga
Studies show that there is a direct connection between stress and weight gain. Yoga not only enables physical fitness and calorie burn but also simple breathing techniques and holding Asanas helps in releasing stress thereby helping you lose fat.
4. Balanced Lifestyle
Try to maintain regularity in your daily routine even in the weekend. Avoid going overboard in any situation. Bingeing and letting your hair loose in the weekend could cause your internal body clock to go haywire and then the body would respond by producing fat storing hormones which is what we don’t want.
5. Magic Healing of Sleep
Get your eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. It is when we sleep that body and mind rest and rejuvenate. If sleep time is cut short, the body doesn’t have time to complete various important functions like muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite. Many studies report that if you are sleeping for five hours or less routinely you have greater chances of increasing abdominal fat. So do yourself a favour – make sure that you get more than five hours of sleep daily.
6. Blacklist White sugar
Just cut sugar from your diet. Reduce gradually if you can’t cut it altogether.
7. Get Help
It is important to have a balanced diet. There is no harm in getting help from a professional dietitian so that your food and diet habits come on track and provide sufficient nutrition to the body.
]]>I recently suffered from a bad bout of “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” and was advised by my doctor to switch to a plain bland diet. It basically meant giving up so many things that I love. An energising cup of Masala chai to wake me up in the morning, spicing up meals with mango pickle, dark chocolate any time of the day, the fruit of the season-the king of all fruits –my beloved mango, a glass of hot milk at bedtime.
My original problem was giving me so much heartache (read heartburn) that I readily agreed to forego the little loves of my life. Adhering to this spartan diet, I felt life slowly ebbing away from me. It is then that realization dawned that these are the things that I took for granted and only when I couldn’t have them, it struck me how they are an integral part of my life.
Also Read: Keep that perfect body in shape as you grow
Its only when something is taken away from you, do you understand its importance. For e.g. ( an extreme, self-experienced one) its only when you suffer from a neck muscle pull and are unable to even get up from the bed without asking for help that you realize the work that your neck does and bless it for helping you be up and about. The same is the case with any other organ in our body. The same thing also applies to other every day actions in our life that help us be who we are and define who we are.
The One thing To Remember
Yes big goals – promotion, increment, better job, bigger car, another house are and will remain important. But what about all the good things rather great things that are already going in your life?
Some of us cannot imagine our life without watching our daily soap, without finding out what our favourite characters on television are doing and what is happening in their lives. For others it could be anything, from reading the morning paper in bed with a hot cuppa, or the broad smiles and open arms of your kid/spouse welcoming you back home after a long hard day at work, a tete-atete with your best friend, listening to your favourite music/singer, watching your most loved sports stars in action while lounging on the sofa.
I do not know which one of these is working for you right now. Maybe it is one of these or none of the above. Make a list of all the things in your daily life that complete you, make you happy and bring a smile on your face (Need not be limited to food, as was the case with me) and post it in the comments section below.
The promotional events it seems have taken a toll on the Dishoom lead actors Varun Dhawan and Jacqueline Fernandez. Only John Abraham, the other hero of the movie, John Abraham turned up for the final promotional event before its release. John Abraham revealed that his co-stars both Varun Dhawan and Jacqueline are unwell. And how he’s the last man standing.
Also Watch: Dishoom song launch | John Abraham, Varun Dhawan Bromance | Raftaar raps
The event became more of fitness mantra by John Abraham, who shared his exercise regimen and encouraged all to lead a fit life.
The Rohit Dhawan movie Dishoom releases on 29th July 2016.
]]>Akshay Kumar is one of the fittest Bollywood stars. He is known to be someone who gives fitness a priority and lives a healthy lifestyle. Trained in martial arts, Akshay is an inspiring figure, and is somebody, who is aging with grace.
But, how he manages to remain fit? Recently, Akshay, who will turn 49 this September, revealed his mantra of staying in shape. His active lifestyle and healthy living habits never let you realise that he is reaching the quinquagenary.
Akshay revealed that he hates night shifts. He likes going to bed as early as 9 pm, and unlike most of us he has his dinner at 7 pm. “I love my sleep and I love to see the mornings,” Akshay said. “People who invite me to a party know that I will leave early because I have to be in bed. And let me tell you, I hate night shifts,”
The Khiladi Kumar revealed that he doesn’t do weight training. The actor rather concentrates on body weight exercises, while mixing them with shadow-boxing and kick-boxing. “Take out at least one hour every day to exercise, in any form,” Akshay advised. “If you can’t exercise, just go for a walk for an hour.”
Akshay had also pointed out the importance of having right food at the right time. He added that he likes to have home-cooked food. “If you feel hungry after 7 pm, eat an egg white omelette or soup or something that is easy to digest,” Akshay suggested. “If I have to go out for dinner, I only eat proteins and try to avoid carbs.”
The Monsoon season has already started this year and as expected we are witness to heavy rainfall around us. People are happy to welcome the monsoon showers after experiencing days of hot, scorching sun rays. The rainy season has its own charms of lush greenery and cool weather. Oh, the delightful pleasure of a steaming cup of tea or hot coffee in the comfort of our homes. But along with this, the time has also come where we need to take extra care of our health. It is the time when we can get sick quite easily, quite quickly. Why? Because even though rain helps life in general, it dulls the immune system in our body.
We can avoid getting sick by doing a few simple things. Here is a list of ways to keep fit and fine in the rainy season:
Experts recommended avoiding spicy and oily food in this season. Generally people face heath issues at this time of the year courtesy the spicy food they in-take. So less spicy food in monsoon does help in maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle.
As a habit, people tend to skip exercise or go for indoor exercise during the rainy season. Going to the gym is one such form of exercise, whose bar suddenly goes up in this weather. Another option is to try body weight exercise like planks, push-ups, squats and lunges at home on your own. Not only do they help in burning calories, but also improve muscular strength. Indoor badminton can also help in burning calories to good effect.
Although it can be followed in every season in every part of the world, it is possibly the best physical exercise for the human body in the rainy season. One can venture out in jogging tracks in the neighborhood park or just take to the road. If you are wondering how running can be feasible in the rainy season; let me tell you that there is a different charm in running on a slightly wet road where each tree and each plant looks freshly bathed, and the glistening leaves and the aroma of wet earth all add to the experience of running. There is definitely some strange love connection between monsoon and running. Try it this monsoon.
It is a common belief the yoga is about increasing flexibility. A lesser known fact is that yoga also helps build immunity. Pranayams like Bhramari and Anulom Vilom help in reducing respiratory problems which are a common affliction during monsoon.
A perfect way to get some exercise in the rainy season is to utilize the stairs in your home or apartment building. The rain is not likely to disturb this form of exercise and it can be dome at any time of the day.
By Yash Grover
]]>Tiger Shroff practicing yoga on World Yoga Day and Palak Muchhal singing her favourite songs on the World Music Day. Subhash Ghai had invited both the youth icons on the big day to take part (21st June) to join in the celebrations at his media institute Whistling Woods International.
By Kaamna Jain
In our adult life, we face a number of challenges; keeping our body fit is a major one. Nothing can give pleasure in life if we do not have a healthy body to enjoy it.
Have you ever seen kids playing in the parks or colonies in the evening, they spend hours – talking, laughing, running. It all seems so meaningless or maybe there is meaning. While it is okay to spend time like this in our childhood and well into our teens, we adults think it’s a luxury we can’t afford. Especially in this age of whatsapp, facebook and twitter any free time has to be spent judiciously and thus missing the point of chilling out stress free, like those kids in the park. The stress free time the kids spend helps them keep healthy mentally as well as physically.
Why is it so difficult to keep fit as we grow older? Simple enough question though but it’s been troubling me for years. Here’s a couple of answers I guess makes sense to me now.
· The metabolic rate slows down as we grow older which means that body burns fat at a lower rate than it did earlier
· Lifestyle: desk jobs and sedentary routines
What works for me and will probably work for anyone is – Allocate some time for yourself every single day. Choose an activity that you can do daily, is practical and is something that you enjoy. If you target going for swimming to a pool that is 5 kilometres away from house every day or a gym in a far-off location chance of your sticking to the routine are limited.
Choose your fitness regimen, there are a number of options to choose from:
Walking – which is the simplest and most effective fitness regimen…it does not require much investment except buying a pair of good quality shoes and can be done anywhere.
Yoga – I’ll recommend joining a Yoga class or getting home visits from a registered Yoga practitioner so that consistency in practice is maintained as well as you don’t end up hurting yourself during asana practice.
Gym – This one is a no-brainer.
Dance – You get to move your body and have fun galore.
Running – Even if you don’t run the marathon, you will be surprised how running increases your stamina and strength if done regularly. You wouldn’t mind the weight loss as well.
Sports – Pick up a game – any game like Badminton/basketball. The only thing is that you will need like-minded people to play with you.
The key is habit or regularity. Practice till it becomes your second nature and your day isn’t complete if you missed your daily dose of physical action.
Taking care of our bodies is one of our prime responsibilities…After all our body is the only place we have to live in.
]]>First he was mobbed at the Mumbai airport then the Real Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane was given a grand welcome at the promotional event organised by Kanakia.
One of the best footballers ever to take the field, Zidane is visiting India with his wife Veronique Zidane.
The thunderous welcome at the event, filled with firecrackers, had Zidane overwhelmed. To the pleasant surprise of his fans the iconic footballer also did a ramp walk and promised to visit India again.
Zidane said, “This is my first time here (in India) and the idea is to come back, definitely.” Actor Bipasha Basu and cricketer Zaheer Khan also attended the event.
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Fitness Coach Saloni Ramani has the perfect recipe for people who find exercising boring and tedious. Here’s her latest Fitness Lesson with a Bollywood Dance Twist. So groove to Saloni’s perfectly choreographed routine on the famous Bollywood number ‘Gulabo’ from the movie Shaandaar.