Click to watch:
Watch the bold girl, the shy guy, the demanding uncle buying condoms at a chemist shop. As buying condoms in India still largely remains taboo, enjoy the funny reaction video of Condom buyers.
I wonder how Cristiano Ronaldo would be feeling now that his bust has been installed at the international airport in the Spanish city of Madeira. The airport has also been named after him.
The sculpture does not do justice to Ronaldo, a handsome man by all standards. In fact it looks nothing like the footballer; rather looks like his funny, abnormal version. Ronaldo being a sporting icon took it … well sportingly but the Internet went berserk with outrage at the lack of resemblance to the footballer.
A lesser mortal would have cracked up, hats off to the sculpture Emanuel Santos, who shrugged off criticism nonchalantly saying that “It is a matter of taste. You cannot please everyone”. Wow this guy is surely sorted.
The world is anyway becoming a difficult place to please. Ask the guy who wanted to please the two most important people in his life and ended up with hilarious consequences. He not only failed miserably in achieving what he had set out to do but also became the butt of jokes all over the world.
In a truly incredible man of the match acceptance speech recently, Ghanaian footballer Mohammed Anas, thanked his wife and girlfriend in the same breath and in the same sentence. “ I appreciate my fans… Also my wife and my girlfriend” He stumbled as he realized his mistake and corrected himself, “er I mean my wife. Sorry, Im sorry…yeah I mean my wife. I love you so much. I love you so much from my heart.” Too late, you sealed your place in history as the guy who had the best of both worlds but lost it in a rush of emotions when he inadvertently declared his lucky status to the whole world.
We are trying to please people around us all the time, aren’t we? We try to please our bosses for a promotion or increment, we try to please friends and family members because we want to look good or be in their good books, we try to please our partners so that they continue to love us. Ask yourself this one question and be honest. How many people do you know who are trying to please you? Unless you are a Narendra Modi or an in power politician or a high ranking official, chances are that you can count them on your fingers.
How to avoid being a shadow to your partner in a marriage | Girl Talk
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Time on this earth is short. So isn’t it time you started doing something/things that make you happy. The way things are going, very soon you will find it formidable to even please yourself. If you like your meat better than your vegetables or if your idea of a date is a rendezvous with your beloved in a public place, both are almost out of bounds. Forget about pleasing others, you will be lucky if you are able to please yourself in times to come.
What are some of the things that make you happy? I would love to know.
]]>By Aayushi Jain
With the temperature dipping to single digit Celsius, we are in the middle of the winter season. The winter season has lovers and haters in equal measure. One question is common though – how to dress stylish in this season. We have all attended weddings and functions where girls and ladies are turned out in sarees with sleeveless blouses in the peak of the winter season, braving the chill to look “good”. Hell, I am guilty of this too. But girls, we can dress up without having to sacrifice comfort.
People who know me know that I love dressing up and I love this weather. I love dressing up in coats, jackets, hoodies and accessorising them gloves and cute caps. Who said layering can’t be attractive? For all you beautiful girls wearing all the long layers just because it’s cold, these are my style hacks for this winter:
Long black coats: Why black? Black is your savior. Not only does black hide any extra inches that you accumulate while enjoying winter goodies, but it is also a perfect colour to stay warm. Why long coats? They are a must have for your wardrobe as not only will they keep you warm but also will never go out of style. So invest in a good black long coat today!
High boots: High boots are for keeps. You can pair them up with dresses, skirts or jeans and the best part is that you can keep your feet warm while looking extremely cool. Good quality boots, maintained properly, can last for more than five seasons and like long coats, they are going to be in vogue every winter. So invest in yours today!
Bomber jackets: Look both cool and sexy at the same time by adorning bomber jackets. Wear a contrast colour tee underneath cause the same hues would make it look a tad boring. Pair jackets with distressed jeans and sneakers and you’re on your way to beat the chill in style!
Caps/hats: It’s all about knowing your face shape and choosing your headgear wisely! Not all caps are meant for all faces. For eg.
Oval-shape face: It’s undoubtedly the best shape to carry off hats. You already have a long face with a rounded jawline so anything that’s well fitted and has a short crown would suit and not lengthen the face further.
Heart-shaped: Any type will work for you except those with large brims. Best would be to go for a slouchy beanie as the relaxed shape will soften the look of your long pointed jawline.
Round: Because your face is as wide as it is long, opt for something with a straight brim and a tall crown to give your face more angles.
Square: Do choose a hat with a brim to balance out a wider chin. Try wearing a beret, it’ll elongate your facial contours.
Some Dos and Don’t’s
When pairing high boots with jeans, make sure you wear skinny fit/slim fit jeans otherwise you may end up looking like someone who made a fashion faux pas. If you pair them with a skirt or dress, remember the mantra: higher the boots, shorter the length of the skirt/dress.
Do not pair casual bomber jackets with high heeled boots or formal footwear. Keep it simple n cool.
Do choose your hats according to the cut and length of your face. Do not tie your hair back while wearing them.
– Oval: Do experiment with a variety of styles because options are limitless for you.
– Heart: Avoid shapes that accentuate the shape and stay away from wide brims.
– Round: Steer clear of round crowns which can emphasize on the roundness of your face.
– Square: Do not wear a hat with a short brim, no brim at all or a square hat.
See, winters give you a lot of options to try out and experiment. And for those lazy weekends, just wrap around a contrasting shawl on whatever you’re wearing on top with jeans/ pyjamas and you’re good to go.
To all the women out there, look amazing this winter!
Aayushi Jain is a freelance writer. Fashion, philosophy, cooking and poetry are the areas of interest for her.
It’s your very first day at work. Fresh out of college, stars in your eyes and a desire to quickly climb to the top of the corporate ladder. You look around and you see a number of other hopefuls around you – just like you they are also looking to make their mark in the big bad corporate world. In this competitive world, the challenge is not only to excel but also to outshine the others.
Whether you are engineering graduate or an MBA pass-out, whether you are from a Communications background or a plain graduate, there are some tips that will help you to be a cut above the rest and outshine others in the same batch.
No short cut to success. You can however put your ride quickly into top gear
There is a famous quote by Christopher Mcdougall, An American author, “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up knowing that it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed”. A smart gazelle on the other hand knows that it only has to run faster than the other gazelles to avoid getting killed at the hands of a lion. Get the drift.
Your company has spent X amount in hiring you. Make sure that the value you deliver is more than what your company is spending on you. And how will you do that?
Observe the Culture: You can learn a lot about the organization by just observing the way you coworkers and seniors function. Does the company have flexi-timings? What time are you expected to come in? What is the procedure if you want to take leave or come in late? At what time do people generally leave? The sooner you blend in and become part of the organization the better. You will stick out like a sore thumb if the organization has an informal culture and you insist on addressing your seniors as Sir or M’aam.
One such company where I worked this culture flowed from top down. If anyone would address the CEO as Sir, he would encourage them to call him by his first name. He would tell people – “Just as you like your name, I too like my name and would prefer you to call me by my given name”. So everybody called each other by their first names. You need to fall in line with the company culture. Follow the general convention. In another company I know, it is a norm to address the senior employees by adding a “Ji” (a sign of respect in India) after their name. Even the senior people address each other like that. So a new joinee who missed this nuance of communication, got branded as rude and insouciant because she failed to add the suffix “Ji” after a senior’s name in an email.
Take notes: I don’t understand the hesitation I sometimes in young joinees to take notes. Carry your note-pad everywhere. No not literally…but whenever you go for an official meeting, carry it along and jot down the important points. It helps you cover all the bases and however much time later you come back to it, like a faithful and loyal servant it will remind you of all the takeaways from a particular meeting. Also once major points are written down, you don’t have to memorise and your brain is free to process other pieces of the office puzzle.
Network: As a journalism student at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, I was taught the basics of writing a good story. Presenting information, the importance of being accurate, relying on facts and attributing or quoting when giving opinion. No doubt it was all very helpful. But one key thing which I learned much later in life is to “Network”. From day one on the job, learn to build your network. Don’t limit yourself to connecting with only your seniors. I cannot emphasize the importance of this often overlooked art of networking. A number of jobs especially as you move up the ladder are never advertised but often filled through the network which is basically referrals or connections.
]]>A young colleague who is about to get married complained that her fiancée’ keeps busy and does not give her time. While she wants to spend all or most of her time hanging out with her fiancée, the guy is busy setting up his entrepreneurial venture and not able to spend as much time with her as she wants. She was looking for advice on how to keep engaged.
This set me thinking – How and why do girls set expectations from marriage and their partners? What is a fair expectation from both?
The ugly truth nobody ever tells girls
Sociologically marriage is supposed to be one great milestone for girls… teri shaadi mein aise hoga, waise hoga. Often Indian mothers tell the little ones: I have kept this gold jewellery set for your wedding. Ask any young girl what marriage means to her and she will tell you about her ideal partner, a romantic courtship period, what she is going to wear on her wedding day, jewellery, finery, cosmetics, trousseau shopping, etc. A lot of hype and expectations is inbuilt into the concept of marriage.
No doubt it is a milestone but nobody gives girls a realistic picture of what to expect after marriage. Nobody really prepares the girls for the adjustments that she has to make once she leaves her parents’ house to go and live with another family. Nobody tells her that she needs to maintain her own identity when she is joined in holy matrimony with another soul. Marriage is a new experience for him too (mostly ;-)) and he is also getting used to have another person share his home, his space and his life.
Also Read: How to take care of your wellness for your well-being
Also by Kaamna Jain: My love affair with that little ball of fire and ice
Being completely dependent on your partner is not a sign of love: Generally once a girl gets into coupledom, she wants to be with her partner in all her free time. She wants to hang out, go out, eat out and have every experience with her man to the point that all her happiness and joy depends on her guy. While the poor guy might enjoy this attention initially, eventually he could feel cloistered and burdened by your expectations. Give the man a chance. Make him a part of your life, not the centre of your universe.
Invest in yourself: Love …yes. Unconditional love… of course yes. Loving you partner spouse does not mean that you stop loving yourself. Love yourself completely and unconditionally. Pamper yourself. Take care of yourself. Remember you used to have an identity before you met your partner. Don’t lose that girl. And if that girl is lost somewhere, seek her out. Visit a parlour, learn a new craft, buy books to read or get membership to a library if you love reading, take self-improvement classes…invest in yourself.
Discover your talents: Each one of us has a gift or a talent. If you have already discovered your gift, nurture it. If not, explore and discover it. You owe it to yourself and your parents. Don’t tell me you don’t even remember what your hobbies are. Think what is it that makes you happy and fulfilled without any input from anyone else. Your spouse may or may not share your habby/passion in life. Irrespective of that, find time to indulge your passion in life.
Be yourself; not a shadow of your partner. Be someone your partner will be proud of. Have your own identity.. This is a peculiar problem faced by the feminine gender because it comes naturally to them – to make their spouse the raison d’être of their existence. When the spouse gets busy earning the daily bread, butter, cheese and the occasional dessert …ladies have a lot of time on their hands with absolutely no clue what to do. Rather than waiting for him and cribbing that he doesn’t give you time, find your centre within you.
Don’t forget your friend circle: Your friends are one of your biggest support systems. They were there before your Prince Charming came along. Take initiative to keep in touch with your friends. Hanging out with friends has a therapeutic effect believe it or not.
Exercise daily: You owe it to yourself to keep your body healthy and disease free. So aim to exercise daily for an hour every day. Aim high so that even if you skip a day or two in the week, you still exercise at least five days a week. Exercise helps release chemicals in your body which promote feelings of well being and happiness. And every man wants to have a healthy and happy partner.
Do your partner and your marriage a favour; don’t build your life around him. Be there for him but first be there for yourself first.
]]>Doesn’t that tyre around the waist just take the fun out of wearing those super glam clothes you buy? “Everything else seems in shape and place, the legs are long and sculpted, the arms are lean, the upper body is well-formed…if only someone would take away this layer of fat around my waist.” This is a common complaint I hear all the time. So many people talk of wanting to burn their belly fat.
Belly fat not only brings the effect of that fabulous dress a couple of notches down but is also detrimental to your health. The fat around the abdominal cavity surrounds a number of important internal organs – liver, pancreas and intestines and too much of fat can lead to diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
You can make belly fat can Go Away. The only thing is that there is no shortcut to it. Remember that when you exercise you don’t lose fat from just one part of the body. The body loses fat all over. It’s a tried and tested thing.
1. Adopt Action
It’s simple Maths. For net loss, the body needs to burn more calories than what it takes in. Move. Be active. Leave your slothful ways. Look at little children around you for inspiration. They are like little bundles of energy who don’t sit still even for a second. They just don’t know how to. My little nephew is a case in point. When he is talking, he keeps moving from the sofa to the bed, on to the chair and then back again to the sofa. And when he is not talking, he is walking up and down the stairs of his duplex house and jumping about. The only time he sits still is when he is watching TV.
The idea is to realise how we have limited our activity level as we have grown up into adults. We were all restless and more active when we were younger. Get the zip back in your life and burn away those calories. Ditch the escalator. Use the Stairs. Do the housework. Walk to the neighbourhood market. Get up and walk to the colleague’s desk if you want to discuss something rather than reaching out on the phone. If possible, add some form of aerobic exercise to your routine. Dancing. Jogging. Running. Zumba. Aerobics. Swimming. There are many options to choose from – all will help you maintain your body machine keep fit and in shape.
2. Core is the key
Along with this, you definitely need to work and strengthen those core muscles, the muscles that wrap around your tummy like a cover. Regular practice of planks, crunches and lunges will be your targeted tool to nix belly fat. Just remember every time you start exercising, the first thing is to activate the core muscles, so that the pressure doesn’t to the back muscles. Start small (you can begin with even two-five minutes every day on an empty stomach) and increase gradually.
3. Try Yoga
Studies show that there is a direct connection between stress and weight gain. Yoga not only enables physical fitness and calorie burn but also simple breathing techniques and holding Asanas helps in releasing stress thereby helping you lose fat.
4. Balanced Lifestyle
Try to maintain regularity in your daily routine even in the weekend. Avoid going overboard in any situation. Bingeing and letting your hair loose in the weekend could cause your internal body clock to go haywire and then the body would respond by producing fat storing hormones which is what we don’t want.
5. Magic Healing of Sleep
Get your eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. It is when we sleep that body and mind rest and rejuvenate. If sleep time is cut short, the body doesn’t have time to complete various important functions like muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite. Many studies report that if you are sleeping for five hours or less routinely you have greater chances of increasing abdominal fat. So do yourself a favour – make sure that you get more than five hours of sleep daily.
6. Blacklist White sugar
Just cut sugar from your diet. Reduce gradually if you can’t cut it altogether.
7. Get Help
It is important to have a balanced diet. There is no harm in getting help from a professional dietitian so that your food and diet habits come on track and provide sufficient nutrition to the body.
]]>By Kaamna Jain
Heard this shocking case where a lady rushing up the staircase slipped and fell on her husband who was following right behind her. She landed on her husband and broke his head. Both had to be rushed to the hospital. The weight of the lady in question – 128 kg.
Struggle with weight is a real issue these days. Being over-weight impacts you physically and emotionally.
Here are seven easy steps to losing those extra kilos:
Eat mindfully: We are so careful about what we wear. Why are we so careless about the food we put inside our body? Eating food is one of the most enjoyable activities of the day. Give it the attention it deserves. DON’T eat in front of the TV. Chew every bite and savour the food that you put in your mouth. Eating mindfully also means eating slowly. If a person watching you eat gets the feeling that you have a train to catch, then you definitely need to slow down the pace at which you eat.
Go big on Breakfast: NEVER skip the first meal of the day. Kick start your metabolism with healthy food. If you do not have time for elaborate cooking, grab a handful of dry fruits and nuts like almonds, walnuts and Munakka. Other options include sprouts, boiled chana –both black or white, poha and daliya, fruits or yogurt smoothies. This morning booster gets metabolism kicking giving you energy throughout the day. Being from the land of Punjab, I should confess that a breakfast of Aloo Parathas with Dahi and a tall glass of lassi or tea is one of the guilty pleasures in my life. (This is not the ideal breakfast we are discussing here) so I’ve kept one day in the week to indulge, with the following riders – I limit my indulgence to only one paratha that too with very little oil.
Go diminutive at dinner time: These days every occasion is celebrated with a dinner out or by inviting friends over for dinner. The logic of it all eludes me. Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Next time tell your friends to invite you for breakfast or lunch at the max. The idea is to take it easy during dinner. Try to have a light dinner and ensure a 2-3 hours gap between your last meal and the time you hit the bed.
East or West, Home cooked Food is the best: The Indian Government raised service tax to 15% beginning June 2016. Add that to the Income tax, Service charges,VAT; you end up paying almost 50% more This means that for every 100 bucks spent on food at a restaurant, I end up paying 150 bucks. Even before that I had a fundamental problem with going to restaurants. Having worked in a cookery show at the beginning of my career, I know that all that glitters is not gold. Taste and presentation may be superb but the freshness of the vegetables, type of oil used and standards of hygiene tend to be suspect in the best of eating joints. Eating out also means overeating. Also thanks to my Mom and her superlative cooking skills, I have always preferred eating home cooked food.
Shop Smart: Be a conscientious shopper. Spend some time on making your grocery list; put healthy ingredients like oats, nuts, on the list. Just remember that more the processing done, lesser the health quotient of the food. So instant noodles, ketchup, jams, biscuits are all foods to be avoided. Replace these with seasonal fruits, fresh chutneys and nuts. Buy lots of seasonal fruits and keep them handy on the dining table or an eye level shelf in the fridge where you can grab it when you feel those hunger pangs . Half the battle is won when you ditch those creamy biscuits and fattening chips at the grocery store, kirana shop or mall itself, wherever you might be going for shopping. Don’t reach out for that bottle of aerated carbonated drink, instead pick up low fat dairy products like chaach, lassi, go for coconut water, lemon juice, khus sherbet…the choices are endless.
Decide and stick to a daily drill: At least half an hour of vigorous physical activity every single day. Don’t compromise on this. Move your body. It is easy to get bored if you just have one form of exercise. So vary your workout routine depending on what appeals to you.
Embrace yourself: Last but not the least – Be kind to yourself. If and when you slip (the best of us do) forgive yourself and start again.
Leave me a note on what works for you and what are the challenges you face in your struggle against weight loss.